Enipower, Saras and Poste Italiane choose ISOLFIN® to sanitize their workplaces from Covid-19

Rome, 18 March 2020 – ISOLFIN®, a leader in the services sector for the largest petrochemical groups, shipbuilders, and the refining and energy sectors, has been chosen to sanitize the work places of Enipower SpA (Ravenna headquarters), Saras SpA (Cagliari headquarters) and Poste Italiane (offices of Piemonte, Lombardia, Toscana, Abruzzo e Umbria) from Covid-19.

The project started on Sunday, March 15, 2020, and is ongoing during the coronavirus pandemic.

ISOLFIN® CEO Marco Nori said: “EniPower and Saras care about the safety of their staff.  According to WHO, the virus can remain active on surfaces up to several days and the safety of the working environment is crucial to stop the contagion. Coronavirus is an emergency: we must respond quickly but also effectively and professionally.  ISOLFIN® is very experienced in the sanitation of the working environments and we follow carefully the recommendations of WHO.”

ISOLFIN®, has extensive experience in the sanitation of the working environment and follows carefully the sanitation recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) to contain the coronavirus pandemic.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Email press@isolfin.com or visit  www.isolfin.com

Reference: World Health Organization. (2020). Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19: technical brief, 03 March 2020 (No. WHO/2019-NcOV/IPC_WASH/2020.1). World Health Organization.

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SOLE24 ORE 19 DICEMBRE 2018. Isolfin: HSE e Internazionalizzazione. La nostra crescita nel navale, energetico, industriale e petrolchimico

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